Getting Started

Requirements - Matlab 2016a+, Windows 7/10 (or) OS-X (or) ubuntu 16+. Continuous Integration (CI) using


1) Open Matlab and go to its home directory using cd(userpath()); Create a projects folder in the home directory using mkdir('projects')

2) As a next step, open the terminal and clone the git repository using git clone into <userpath>\projects\sa-labs-analysis directory

3) Download and install ToolboxToolbox by following the installation instructions. Restart MATLAB

4) Run the function tbUseProject('sa-labs-analysis'); in the Matlab command window. It will start installing the data analysis toolbox with the required dependencies. To verify the installation, check the last few lines of the Matlab console. It should look as below:

Checking for "sa-labs-analysis" local hook.
Checking for "sa-labs-analysis-core" local hook.
Checking for "sa-labs-util" local hook.
Checking for "preference" local hook.
Checking for "yamlmatlab" local hook.
Checking for "app-toolboxes" local hook.
Checking for "JavaTreeWrapper_v1.0" local hook.
Checking for "JavaTableWrapper_v1.0" local hook.
Checking for "MatlabPropertyGrid_v1.0" local hook.
Checking for "mdepin_v1.0" local hook.
Checking for "MatlabPersistence_v1.0" local hook.
Checking for "mmockito_v1.0" local hook.
Checking for "appbox" local hook.
Checking for "for-each-iterator" local hook.
Checking for "logging4matlab" local hook.
Checking for "MatlabQuery" local hook.
Checking for "matlab-tree" local hook.
Checking for "jsonlab_v1.2" local hook.
Evaluating general-purpose hook for "yamlmatlab": "javaaddpath(fullfile(getfield(what('+yaml'), 'path'), 'external', 'snakeyaml-1.9.jar'))".
Looks good: 18 resolved toolboxes deployed OK.

Now that the analysis toolbox is installed, let us parse some data.

Last updated